Service Fees currently in effect

(subject to change at any time without prior notice)

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Service Fee
Share Drafts/Checks/Money Orders

Per Item

Returned Deposited Item (Domestic or Foreign) NO FEE
Returned ACH Item (each submission/resubmission) $10.00
Share Draft - Insufficient/Uncollected/Overdrawn/Stale Item (each submission/resubmission) $10.00
Share to Share Draft Transfer
Stop Payment - Personal / Business Share Draft Check $15.00
Stop Payment - Money Order / Teller Check / Certified Check $15.00
Certified Check $10.00
Photocopy of Teller's Check, Money Order, Share Draft $5.00
Money Order (No payee specified) $1.00

Money Order (No payee specified) Senior Citizen

Teller's Check (Third party payee) $1.00

Teller's Check (Third party payee) Senior Citizen


Minimum Balance Fees

Per Month

Share Draft Minimum Balance Fee
(if Savings share balance falls below $500 at any time during the statement period)
Money Market Minimum Balance Fee
(if Money Market share balance falls below $2,500 at any time during the statement period)

Wire Fees

Per Item

Outgoing International Wire $40.00
Outgoing Domestic Wire (within US only) $25.00
Incoming Wire (through Federal Reserve) $60.00
Recall Wire Fee
(Returned/Rejected wires are not charged a fee by the credit union, however the amount returned may be affected by currency exchange rates or fees charged by the other financial institutions)

Miscellaneous Fees

Per Item

VISA Credit Card Payment via phone with Representative $5.00
VISA Gift Card (minimum card value $10, maximum value $1,000) $5.00
VISA Travel Card (minimum card value $100, maximum value $5,000)
Lost Passbook Replacement $5.00
Account Verification Letters / Mortgage Verification Letters $10.00
ATM Card Replacement $15.00
Other Fees
Dormant Account Fee (Charged one time, per account, at escheatment) $25.00
Account Research - First 1/2 Hour NO FEE
Account Research - Over half hour, per hour fee $20.00
Notary Public Service - Members NO FEE
Notary Public Service - Non-Members $2.00
Safe Deposit Box Lost Key(s) - One Key $25.00
Safe Deposit Box Lost Key(s) - Both Keys $125.00